Tuesday, December 19, 2006

my final project has arrived!!!

Okay, so I'm obviously writing this before I actually post it up to the week 16 entry on the BECA 670 blog, but I just wanted to leave my link here before I forget entirely:


First of all, I changed blogging software. I badly wanted to do Moveable Type, but I swear, if you don't know how to do a certain thing, don't try to learn it in a week because that's just stupid. I stuck with Wordpress just because it's very user friendly. You don't even have to type in HTML or anything, and you can just click a button, and it's there! Like magic or something.

Also ... I didn't get a chance to do my own Google Map, and instead, I'm using Zooomr as a host for the RaSF photo album because it already has geotagging available. My real wish in the future is that I can make my own Google Map that has the same effect. I'm majorly bummed I wasn't able to put the map on the front. But I will do it in the near future when I figure it out a little bit more.

Other than that, my project is basically done, and I'm happy with it. And even though the class is over, it's something that I would love to keep up with.

So, that's my shtick. See you on the flipside. (I've always wanted to say that, but now that I have, I think I sound like a crazy man. Yep. Crazy man.)


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